
EMV Migrations

How accepting EMV cards will limit your liability for fraud!

If you are not processing EMV chip cards yet, you should be!

Did you know that the liability for fraudulent charges, including EMV chargebacks has shifted to businesses not using EMV credit card terminals? EMV chip cards rely on encrypted digital data throughout transactions. Which meams less data theft, counterfeit usage, and fewer chargebacks! If you are not currently protecting your business and customers with EMV-ready credit card terminals, now is your time!

What EMV credit card migration will mean for your business.

In the US, merchants for now liable for counterfeit credit card fraud if a customer has an EMV chip card but uses a swipe-and-signature processor. Good news is migration to EMV chip card readers makes a lot of sense. EMV chip cards usage decreases changes of card theft and fraud. Also, by accepting EMV cards you will stand out and be ahead of those who are slower to adopt them.

Migrate to an EMV solution today.

Adopting EMV credit card terminals is very simple. We offer free EMV credit card readers, so your business can start accepting chip card payments immediately, eliminating your liability for fraudulent charges. Even if a customer doesn’t have an ENV chip card, your new terminal will still have the ability to swipe or tap a card. Nothing changes for your transactions, other than the additional assurance that your business and customers gain regarding their data protection.